Madhyamaka and Yogacara: Allies or Rivals? (review) Jay L. Garfield
if you like this review, i now have website: 241119: dense, difficult book of essays on evolution these two...
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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. MichaelKamakana serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.
if you like this review, i now have website: 241119: dense, difficult book of essays on evolution these two...
241215: novel as wrecking ball. she is very young, wayward, once-religious, once-valedictorian divorced mother. she makes a lot of...
241213: intense, graphic, sexual, violent. from sheltered life to road trip through hell pandemic, this does not hesitate to address...
110220: i have been reading this, studying actually, going back and forth, comparing it to all the other philosophy- particularly...
if you like this review i now have website: 220225: i should not be surprised that reading this text is...
if you like this review, i now have website: 240325: another great book on bergson. this is favourite at the...
if you like this review, i now have website: 240216: this is possibly new favourite on bergson. only possibly but...
R. Ashley Audra , Cloudesley Brereton ...more 240627: this is the last major work by bergson I have read, the last he wrote, the one...
Richard Howard (Translator) 240712: second reading, first review. after decades of other work, of r-g and others, can see where this is...
Anne Boyman (Translator) if you like this review i now have website: 240814: this is deleuze. clear, concise,...
240811: this is an excellent, middle-way treatise, between extremes of academics and popular/accessible reading. though the latter is...
if you like this review i now have website: 240922: this is review after some thought. first thought, after...
241021: according to gr I have now read 128 phil-indic-buddhism. so, despite not 'studying' or 'enacting' it, I feel that I have read...
240107: surprisingly, or maybe not, found discussion of the 'hard problem' of consciousness in analytic dealt with supremely in the arts,...
231131: familiar. section of mediative instructions/effects last third of book. I rate it highly more because I could read about buddhism...
if you like this review i now have website: 231008: depends what you want. this is more art history than...
if you like this review i now have website: 230913: this is commentary on commentary. on 'root wisdom of the...
if you like this review i now have website: 230909: excellent. concise. terms translated. focus on...
if you like this review i now have website: 230905: having read some analytic (25) some buddhist philosophy (113)...
if you like this review i now have website: 230901: really liked this series of short essays on terms commonly...