Milkman (book review) Anna Burns
221218: i usually have more luck with nobel and booker than other prizes, pulitzer, hugo, nebula, edgar, kirkus, giller, governor...
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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. MichaelKamakana serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.
221218: i usually have more luck with nobel and booker than other prizes, pulitzer, hugo, nebula, edgar, kirkus, giller, governor...
201108 later addition: i should add my feelings about the book, not just the time. for it is beautifully written as diary, mundane...
200715: [book:Lolita|7604] from the girl's perspective is problematic characterisation. vanessa is not so clearly child but child...
Liz Heron (Translator) 210904: this is much more scholarly take on the story of [book:The Passion of Artemisia|8184087], so maybe not as...
210519: never studied the 'primary' hellenic texts, histories (euripides etc.) or current archaeological, historical work surrounding...
Stephen Snyder (Translator), Markus Juslin (Translator) 131119: i think i will give this an immediate review, without reflection,...
Charlotte Whittle (Translator), César Aira (Introduction) 201011: not for everyone but definitely for me. haunting, hypnotic, harrowing....
William Weaver (Translator) 020219 from ???: i can read this and find something new every time: for me this is the perfect book. first...
William Weaver(Translator) 211003: think i read this first as trade ppk (33 yrs ago!) had read [book:The Name of the Rose|119073] 3 times...
Philippe Jaworski (Translator) 211015: do not know how much i was translating while reading, and how much is memory, but it seems to...
(Continental European Philosophy) 030714: later confusion: discovered an earlier graphic text 'introducing Foucault', source of some of...
Saul Frampton
Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers (volume II) 290813: this is Volume 2: as a usual collection there is usually some very good,...
(Key Concepts) 251114: i have read some books on deleuze, some by deleuze, some by deleuze and guattari- and thus the crowded many within...
080814: this. this. just this... excellent intro to deleuze, indirectly capturing the experience of what little read of his work- that...
R.J. Hollingdale (Translator), Walter Kaufmann (translator) 250118 later later addition: rereading a book comparing nietzsche and...
Thinking Through Merleau-Ponty’s Aesthetics 070218: i read this over two days, very long flight then morning here. this interrogates one...
Galen A. Johnson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michael B. Smith (Translator) 241017: this is a great if familiar selection of three important...
Society, Philosophy, Literature 220918 this is a much later later addition: after reading more, particularly Nietzsche and Buddhism,...
300120 later later addition: this is the first book that determined how i ever thought of buddhism [book:What the Buddha Taught|390562]...