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Living in Time: The Philosophy of Henri Bergson (book review) Barry Allen

Writer: 4451moana4451moana

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240325: another great book on bergson. this is favourite at the moment. this focuses on his entire metaphysics contrary to geometric, spatialised, being which is default to science, with his insistence on time, on change, on becoming, as true reflection of reality, which is best expressed by art. there are great quotes that sum up this attitude: 'science seeks the generalised, art invents the singular' pg 179...

one aspect greatly enjoyed of this book's how the author refers to various secondary text, various other philosophers also read. this makes me feel alert, aware, even intelligent. these texts include [book:Duration, Temporality, Self: Prospects for the Future of Bergsonism|16293463], [book:Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition|35750377], [book:Updating Bergson: A Philosophy of the Enduring Present|56997544], and of course [book:Bergsonism|203326]

this is also great because he does not hesitate to critique the man's thought in light of later knowledge, in light of history, in hopes deferred, in things not working out the way he expects, but indeed: 'the future does not exist until it happens, when it becomes present' and 'we ever only know the past'. these are also bergson quotes but do not remember where read. it seems every book on bergson offers me yet further ways of understanding his thought, though as this one make clear: the key to everything changing is new conception of Time. analytic philosophy has missed this change, has no apparent awareness of Time, but that is fine with me. I read mostly continental, Indic, Japan/zen. this may not be the easiest place to begin bergson (read 61 before) but a lot of fun...


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